Children get COVID-19 vaccine (Anak-anak mendapatkan vaksin COVID-19) – level 2

01-12-2021 07.30

Last week on Monday, Israel started vaccinating children between 5 to 11 years old against COVID-19.

(Senin minggu lalu, Israel mulai memvaksinasi anak-anak usia 5 sampai 11 tahun untuk melawan COVID-19.)

The first place was Tel Aviv where parents could bring their children to get the vaccine. TV cameras filmed the children getting the jab, and some of them were smiling while some were crying. According to officials, 41% of parents said that they would vaccinate their children, but 38% said that they would not. More than a half of children,12 or more years old, got at least one jab already.

(Lokasi pertama adalah Tel Aviv dimana para orangtua dapat membawa anak-anak mereka untuk mendapatkan vaksin. Kamera televisi merekam saat anak-anak itu mendapatkan suntikan, dan beberapa di antaranya tersenyum sementara lainnya menangis. Menurut pihak berwenang, 41% orangtua mengatakan bahwa mereka akan memvaksinasi anak-anak mereka, tetapi 38% mengatakan tidak akan melakukannya. Lebih dari separuh anak-anak berusia 12 tahun atau lebih, telah mendapatkan sedikitnya satu suntikan.)

Israel´s population is 9.4 million people, and it has about 1.2 million children aged 5 to 11. Experts said that to stop the coronavirus, it was important to vaccinate children, too. Officials said that COVID-19 was not usually serious for children, but the virus often moved from them to other people.

(Populasi Israel adalah 9,4 juta jiwa, dan sekitar 1,2 juta adalah anak-anak berusia 5 sampai 11. Para ahli mengatakan bahwa untuk menghentikan virus Corona, penting untuk memvaksinasi anak-anak juga. Pihak berwenang mengatakan bahwa COVID-19 biasanya tidak serius bagi anak-anak, tetapi virus ini sering berpindah dari mereka ke orang-orang lain.)

Kata-kata sullit: jab (suntikan), population (populasi).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

(Anda dapat menonton video aslinya di Level 3.)

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  1. Do the test at Test Languages (Lakukan tes di Test/Tes)
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. (Pergilah ke Level anda. Level 1 jika anda mengetahui 1-1000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Level 2 jika mengetahui 1000-2000 kata. Level 3 jika mengetahui 2000-3000 kata.)


  1. Read two news articles every day. (Bacalah dua artikel berita setiap hari)
  2. Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words. (Baca artikel berita sehari sebelumnya dan cari tahu apakah anda mengingat semua kata baru dalam artikel itu)


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