Church Comes Out of the Water (Gereja muncul dari air) – level 3

01-09-2021 15:00

In Mexico, there is a drought, and the ruins of a 16th century church, believed to have been built by Spanish colonists, have surfaced from the receding reservoir waters.

(Di Meksiko, terjadi kekeringan, dan merusak sebuah gereja dari abad ke 16, dipercayai dibangun oleh penjajah Spanyol, telah muncul dari waduk yang surut.)

The first time that the church became visible was in 2002, which was again because of a drought. The water levels were so low then the visitors were able to walk around the temple interiors.

(Pertama kali gereja itu terlihat di tahun 2002, yang terjadi lagi karena kekeringan. Ketinggian air sangat rendah sehingga banyak pengunjung dapat berjalan di sekitar interior tempat ibadah.)

The 400-year-old roofless church emerged because of the 24-metre water drop in the Grijalva River. Experts believe that the evangelical Dominican friars built the structure in 1564, and it was later inhabited by the Zoque people. After the construction of the Malpaso Dam in 1966, water flooded the area.

(Gereja tak beratap berusia 400 tahun muncul karena air surut setinggi 24 meter di sungai Grijalva. Para ahli percaya bahwa evangelis biarawan Dominika membangun struktur ini di tahun 1564, dan kemudian dihuni oleh orang-orang Zoque. Setelah konstruksi bendungan Malpaso di tahun 1966, air membanjiri area itu.)

Kata-kata yang sulit: recede (surut), reservoir (waduk), drought (kekeringan), friar (biarawan), inhabit (menghuni), dam (bendungan).

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(Anda dapat menonton video berita di bawah)

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