Gempa Bumi Bosnia (Bosnia earthquake) – level 3

29-04-2022 10.00

Last Friday, Bosnia experienced a strong earthquake with magnitude of 5.7. People felt the earthquake throughout the country and in neighboring Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro.

(Jumat pekan lalu, Gempa bumi berkekuatan 5,7 magnitudo terjadi Bosnia. Warga merasakan gempa bumi ini di sepanjang negeri dan negara tetangga Kroasia, Serbia, dan Montenegro.)

The earthquake hit 42 kilometers southeast of the city of Mostar, and according to scientists, it was at a depth of five kilometers. One person died, at least two were injured, and hundreds of people fled from their homes. The earthquake caused significant damage across several cities, including Ljubinje and Čapljina. People felt it as far as Belgrade, more than 400 kilometers from the epicenter.

(Gempa bumi ini melanda 42 kilometer bagian tenggara kota Mostar, dan menurut para ilmuwan, gempa berada di kedalaman lima kilometer. Seorang tewas, sedikitnya dua orang terluka, dan ratusan warga meninggalkan rumah mereka. Gempa menyebabkan kerusakan besar di sejumlah kota, termasuk Ljubinje dan Čapljina. Warga merasakan gempa di Belgrade, yang berada lebih dari 400 kilometer dari pusat gempa.)

Scientists warned that aftershocks were likely to happen in the coming days, and they added that the Balkans was prone to seismic activity, so earthquakes were frequent in the area.

(Para ilmuwan memperingatkan bahwa gempa susulan sepertinya akan terjadi dalam beberapa hari ke depan, dan mereka menambahkan bahwa daerah Balkan rentan akan aktivitas seismik, sehingga gempa bumi sering terjadi di kawasan ini.)

Kata-kata sulit: epicenter (pusat gempa), aftershock (gempa susulan), prone (rentan).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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