Homeless people in Brazil (Tunawisma di Brasil) – level 3

10-11-2021 07.30

The coronavirus is fading from Brazil´s biggest cities; however, homelessness and hunger are on the rise.

(Virus Corona menghilang dari kota-kota besar di Brasil, namun, para tunawisma dan kelaparan meningkat.)

Estimates say that the number of people who lack money to afford housing now totals over 66,000, nearly triple the amount of the most recent census from 2019. In Rio de Janeiro, there are about 14,000, which is about double the last official count from last year. Tents and shelters line sidewalks, entire families beg at busy streets, and there are lines of people at the doors of churches and organizations that give help.

(Diperkirakan bahwa jumlah orang yang mengalami kesulitan uang untuk perumahan kini mencapai 66.000, hampir tiga kali lipat jumlah sensus terakhir di tahun 2019. Di Rio de Jeneiro, terdapat sekitar 14.000, yakni dua kali lipat dari perhitungan resmi tahun lalu. Tenda dan penampungan berjejer di trotoar, seluruh anggota keluarga mengemis di jalanan yang sibuk, dan antrian warga di depan pintu gereja dan badan yang memberi bantuan.)

Vaccines are now widespread; however, high inflation is removing the little that Brazil made after recovering from last year´s economic crisis. Ahead of next year’s elections, President Jair Bolsonaro is now promising to significantly grow cash transfers to the poor; however, economists fear that prices are going to continue rising.

(Vaksinasi saat ini tersebar luas, namun, inflasi tinggi memperburuk ekonomi Brasil setelah sedikit pulih dari krisis tahun lalu. Menjelang pemilihan umum tahun depan, presiden Jair Bolsonaro menjanjikan peningkatkan bantuan tunai secara signifikan kepada warga miskin, namun, para ekonom khawatir bahwa harga-harga akan terus naik.)

Kata-kata sulit: fade (menghilang), census (sensus), inflation (inflasi).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menonton video beritanya di bawah.)

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