Petani di Eropa Khawatir (Farmers in Europe Worry) – level 3

02-05-2024 09.00

Europe’s fruit farmers are concerned about their harvests due to unexpected frosts during spring.

(Petani buah di Eropa mengkhawatirkan hasil panen mereka karena embun beku mendadak selama musim semi.)

The cold weather has led to worries about the food supply in Europe. Balkan countries have experienced a sudden drop in temperatures, causing snow and ice. Fruit farmers in Croatia and Poland have suffered losses due to the frost, with temperatures reaching as low as -8 degrees Celsius in some areas. However, Dutch farmers have found a solution by spraying water on their fruit trees, which creates a protective layer of ice that helps keep the buds warm. Despite these efforts, heavy snowfalls in higher altitudes have caused challenges for drivers.

(Cuaca dingin telah memicu kekhawatiran tentang pasokan makanan di Eropa. Negara-negara Balkan telah mengalami penurunan suhu tiba-tiba, menyebabkan salju dan es. Petani buah di Kroasia dan Polandia mengalami kerugian akibat embun beku, dengan suhu mencapai serendah -8 derajat Celcius di sejumlah wilayah. Namun, petani Belanda telah menemukan solusi dengan menyemprotkan air ke pohon buah mereka, yang menciptakan lapisan es pelindung yang membantu menjaga tunas tetap hangat. Terlepas dari upaya ini, hujan salju lebat di dataran tinggi telah menyebabkan kendala bagi para pengemudi.)

Forecasters expect these extreme conditions to continue all week.

(Ahli cuaca memperkirakan kondisi ekstrim ini akan terus berlangsung sepanjang minggu ini.)

Kata-kata sulit: bud (tunas)

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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