Presiden Baru Nigeria (Nigeria has a new president) – level 3

04-07-2023 09.00

Nigeria’s newly elected President Bola Tinubu has been busy implementing significant changes in his first month in office.

(Presiden Nigeria yang baru terpilih, Bola Tinubu, sibuk menerapkan perubahan signifikan di bulan pertamanya menjabat.)

These reforms aim to unlock the full potential of Africa’s sluggish economic powerhouse. Investors have been impressed by the race to reform; however, analysts, observers, and business leaders caution that there are still major challenges ahead. Shortly after his inauguration, Tinubu abolished a popular fuel subsidy that had been in place for decades. He also swiftly suspended the central bank governor and liberalized the exchange rate. While these reforms are expected to bring long-term benefits, the World Bank warns of short-term inflationary pressures. Petrol prices have nearly tripled since the subsidy was removed, impacting the millions who rely on petrol-powered generators.

(Reformasi ini bertujuan untuk membuka potensi penuh kekuatan ekonomi Afrika yang lesu. Investor terkesan dengan kecepatan menuju reformasi; namun, para analis, pengamat, dan pemimpin bisnis mengingatkan bahwa masih terdapat tantangan besar di masa datang. Tak lama setelah pelantikannya, Tinubu menghapus subsidi populer BBM yang telah berlaku selama beberapa dekade. Dia juga dengan cepat menangguhkan gubernur bank sentral dan meliberalisasi nilai tukar. Meskipun reformasi ini diharapkan membawa manfaat jangka panjang, Bank Dunia memperingatkan tekanan inflasi jangka pendek. Harga bensin naik hampir tiga kali lipat sejak subsidi dicabut, berdampak pada jutaan orang yang bergantung pada pembangkit listrik bertenaga bensin.)

Nigeria is also struggling with record debt, high unemployment, power shortages, shrinking oil output, and security concerns. Corruption and patronage networks further complicate efforts to address these issues. Tinubu’s ability to tackle such networks and his commitment to anti-corruption measures will be closely observed.

(Nigeria juga berjuang dengan rekor utang, pengangguran tinggi, kekurangan listrik, produksi minyak menyusut, dan masalah keamanan. Jaringan korupsi dan patronasi semakin memperumit upaya untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Kemampuan Tinubu untuk menangani jaringan seperti itu dan komitmennya terhadap langkah-langkah antikorupsi akan diawasi dengan cermat.)

Kata-kata sulit: sluggish (lesu), caution (memperingatkan), abolish (menghapus), liberalize (liberalisasi).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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