The world’s heaviest strawberry (Stroberi terberat di dunia) – level 3

09-03-2022 12.00

Israeli farmer Chahi Ariel grew the world’s heaviest strawberry that weighs 289 grams.

(Petani Israel Chahi Ariel menanam stroberi terbesar di dunia seberat 289 gram.)

The strawberry was about five times the average weight of a regular berry of the local Ilan variety. It was 18 centimeters long and 34 centimeters in circumference. According to the Guinness World Records website, unusually cold weather in early 2021 slowed the strawberry’s ripening process, which allowed it to grow.

(Stroberi ini sekitar lima kali lebih besar daripada berat rata-rata beri lokal jenis Ilan. Panjangnya 18 sentimeter dan garis keliling sepanjang 34 sentimeter. Menurut situs Rekor Dunia Guinness, cuaca dingin yang tidak biasa di awal 2021 memperlambat proses pematangan stroberi, yang memungkinkannya bertambah besar.)

Ariel was hoping to win when he saw how big the fruit was growing. He waited for confirmation of the record, and he kept the giant strawberry in the freezer as proof. A Japanese farmer held the previous record; he discovered a 250-gram strawberry in his harvest in 2015.

(Ariel berharap menang saat ia melihat bagaimana besarnya pertumbuhan stroberi ini. Dia menunggu konfirmasi rekor, dan dia menyimpan stroberi raksasa itu di mesin pendingin sebagai bukti. Seorang petani Jepang memegang rekor sebelumnya; dia menemukan sebuah stroberi seberat 250 gram saat panen pada tahun 2015.)

Kata-kata sulit: circumference (garis keliling), ripe (matang), proof (bukti).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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