Tourists in Maya Bay (Turis di Maya Bay) – level 2

12-11-2021 07:30

Maya Bay in Thailand was in the media in 1999 when Hollywood arrived there to film ‘The Beach’. One of the film’s actors was Leonardo DiCaprio.

(Maya Bay di Thailand menjadi berita di tahun 1999 ketika Hollywood tiba disana untuk membuat film “The Beach”. Salah satu aktornya adalah Leonardo DiCaprio.)

Due to the movie, tourists started coming to the beach there. As many as 4,000 visitors used to arrive on boats every day.

(Karena film itu, turis mulai berdatangan ke pantai ini. Sebanyak 4.000 pengunjung biasanya datang dengan kapal setiap hari.)

Since there were so many tourists, the natural life was ruined. To protect the beach, people closed it now for four months. When it reopens by the end of September, only 2,000 visitors a day will be allowed to the beach.

(Semenjak banyaknya turis di kawasan itu, kehidupan alam hancur. Untuk melindunginya, pantai ini kini ditutup selama empat bulan. Saat dibuka kembali di akhir September, hanya 2.000 pengunjung sehari yang akan diijinkan untuk datang.)

A scientist said that he and the other scientists made a mistake – they thought that the money from the movie was very important, but now they see that they must protect the beach.

(Seorang ilmuwan mengatakan bahwa dia bersama ilmuwan lain membuat kesalahan- mereka mengira bahwa uang yang dihasilkan dari film itu sangat penting, namun kini mereka menyadari bahwa mereka harus melindungi pantai itu.)

An actress from the film said that people are obsessed with fame and celebrity. They do not come to the beach because it is beautiful but because of the film. She said that Thailand is amazing and there are many beautiful beaches.

(Seorang artis film ini mengatakan bahwa orang-orang terobsesi dengan ketenaran dan selebriti. Mereka datang bukan karena pantai itu indah tetapi karena film. Dia berujar bahwa Thailand menakjubkan dan ada banyak pantai yang indah.)

Kata-kata sulit: arrive (tiba), used to (biasanya), obsessed (terobsesi).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

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  1. Do the test at Test Languages (Lakukan tes di Test/Tes)
  2. Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. (Pergilah ke Level anda. Level 1 jika anda mengetahui 1-1000 kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Level 2 jika mengetahui 1000-2000 kata. Level 3 jika mengetahui 2000-3000 kata.)


  1. Read two news articles every day. (Bacalah dua artikel berita setiap hari)
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