Wawancara Palsu Michael Schumacher (Fake interview with Michael Schumacher) – level 3

28-04-2023 09.00

The German magazine, Die Aktuelle, owned by Funke media group, has apologized to the family of Michael Schumacher and sacked the editor who published an AI-generated interview with the seven-times F1 world champion.

(Majalah Jerman, Die Aktuelle, milik grup media Funke, telah meminta maaf kepada keluarga Michael Schumacher dan memecat editor yang menerbitkan wawancara buatan AI dengan juara dunia F1 tujuh kali itu.)

Schumacher hasn’t been seen in public since 2013 after suffering a serious brain injury in a skiing accident. His family announced plans for legal action against the magazine. Funke managing director Bianca Pohlmann stated the article was tasteless and misleading and failed to meet the publisher’s journalistic standards. The magazine had featured a front cover with a picture of a smiling Schumacher alongside the headline ‘Michael Schumacher, the first interview’. The strapline read sounded deceptively real.

(Schumacher tidak terlihat di depan umum sejak 2013 setelah mengalami cedera otak serius dalam kecelakaan ski. Keluarganya mengumumkan rencana tindakan hukum terhadap majalah tersebut. Direktur pelaksana Funke Bianca Pohlmann menyatakan artikel itu hambar dan menyesatkan serta gagal memenuhi standar jurnalistik penerbit. Majalah itu menampilkan sampul depan dengan gambar Schumacher yang tersenyum di samping tajuk utama ‘Michael Schumacher, wawancara pertama’. Teks baris kalimat penutup yang memperdaya.)

Schumacher’s family maintains strict privacy about the former driver’s condition.

(Keluarga Schumacher menjaga privasi ketat tentang kondisi mantan pembalap tersebut.)

Kata-kata sulit: strapline (baris kalimat penutup), deceptively (memperdaya).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.

(Anda dapat menyaksikan video beritanya di bawah.)

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